Why is PacificGem Server?

PacifiGem Server is extremely fast and reliable.

Why should you use PacificGem Server?

For starters, marketing automation works. Marketing automation drives a 14.5% increase in sales productivity and a 12.2% reduction in marketing overhead overall, according to Nucleus Research. Digging into the data yields even more compelling numbers for small businesses: A study by the Annuitas Group reveals that companies using marketing automation to nurture prospects see a 451% increase in qualified leads. Those nurtured leads, in turn, make purchases 47% larger than their non-nurtured counterparts.

Lead generation and contact scoring

Lead generation is one of the most important jobs for every business. If you don’t have leads, who’d you target or persuade to buy your product.Here, our lead generation and contact scoring features come into play. We can use builtin forms, focus items, and tracking script for lead generation and assign scores on behalf of their behavior and activities on the website like page visit, read an email, open an email, etc.Once you analyze and assign scores to the leads, you can segregate them into different segments.

Campaign builder

The best thing about Mautic is that it allows you to create campaigns or workflows with several decisions, conditions, and actions. And all of these are so well displayed and easily understandable that no one faces an issue while understanding the campaign, whether it is a merchant or a common user.

You can simply use the drag and drop feature, select and add conditions, actions, and decisions and give them a suitable name. For example, you are creating a campaign for abandoned cart recovery.

You can add an action of sending an email reminder to cart abandoners. Then you can add a condition like if they open the email, check if they’re eligible for a coupon code. If yes, send an email with the coupon code after a few days.

Contact Segmentation

Segmentation helps you divide your customers into specific groups on different criteria like age, gender, location, company size, income, etc. According to a 2017 Mailchimp survey, the open rate of segmented campaigns is 14% higher than the non-segmented ones.

With Mautic, you can also do customer segmentation to create high converting and targeting campaigns. Mautic collects the users’ information through the automated forms and pop-ups which can be used to create campaigns that offer what exactly a user needs.

WebEngage gives a sheer example of customer segmentation with this picture. It explains how a jewelry store will segment their female customers. This clears the picture of how to plan for a specific segment of customers.

Focus Items

Focus Items is a cool feature that helps out merchants in many different ways. It helps them to increase their traffic on a specific page. It also helps in lead capturing and increases the number of leads.

Focus Items lets a merchant select what they want to focus on like Data Collection, Display a notice, or Emphasize a link.

If your site is going on maintenance for example, you can select the focus “Display A Notice” to display a popup that tells your website visitors about the time and other details of your site maintenance. This feature can also be used to display sign up forms or to redirect visitors to a free product trial.

Once you select the focus, you can select how you want to engage the visitors like on their arrival at your site, or after how many seconds you want to show the popup. And what style you want to use to engage visitors like you want to display a bar across the header, a full page window, a notification, or a popup.

Email Builder

Emails are still the most preferable type of method when it comes to business. They’re used to nurture your leads, bring back the users to complete the purchase, update the readers about your newly published articles.

You should know that the open rate of emails in January 2020 was 41.85% with an 8.1% Click-through rate.

Assume if 42 out of 100 people are opening and reading your emails, how many of them would buy your product. Many of them. But this will happen if your emails and the content inside it is well-designed.

This is where the Mautic’s email building feature comes into handy. It provides you several different email templates you can use for your campaigns.

With these templates, you can write dynamic content that can be changed as per the needs. This feature makes it very simple to build attractive and elegant emails. You just need to use the drag and drop feature to create emails that attract users, drive conversions and grow your email list.

Page Builder

One of the most significant features of Mautic is Page Builder. Simply put, page building lets you create landing pages for each of your offers, promotions, programs, and campaigns. You can create responsive landing pages by using the easy drag and drop interface.

You don’t face any technical challenges while creating your landing pages with Mautic. Furthermore, you can also run A/B tests on these landing pages and add forms to capture leads. Forms play a valuable role in Mautic and helps merchants to collect, organize, and analyze data and customer behavior with ease.

Lead Nurturing

Do you know, approximately 96% of users visit your website without an intention to buy something? You have to nurture them to convert them into your customers. This portrays the importance of lead nurturing.

Lead nurturing is essential for every business. Nurturing your leads consistently turns your prospects into customers and your customers into brand advocates. Mautic does this job pretty easily and automatically.

By creating email campaigns, you can nurture your leads, engage them, and move them forward in your marketing funnel. Mautic works here very precisely. All you need to do is to create content that resonates with the stage a user is on. And this software will deliver that content to every single user in that particular stage.

If you keep the customer stage in your mind while creating the content, you’ll make it more personalized. And nothing nurtures a user better than a consistent and personalized content.

A/B Testing

You have enough time to test your marketing strategy, sales pitch, and emails, to make sure they perform well.

Mautic helps you figure out the best online promotional and automated marketing strategies for your business. Mautic has built-in A/B testing feature for both emails and landing pages.

Use Mautic A/B testing to assess which one out of two automated marketing campaigns is the most effective in terms of CTR or conversion rates in pages.

In an A/B test, you set up two variations of the single campaign and send them to that a part of your total recipients.

Dynamic Content For Personalization

Before discussing anything on this, let me show you some stats about personalized content.

People love to open emails that are created just for them. And Mautic allows dynamic customization in emails, forms, and landing pages for specific customer segments or groups of leads and prospects.

  • It can be anything if you’re working on your welcome series, dynamic content, another marketing automation technique. Our effective marketing automation tool will come to your help.

Client Retention

It’s amazing to share a 5% increase in customer retention can lead to an increase in profits of between 25% and 95%? Moreover, customer retention plays a significant role in driving retail revenue.

customer retention stats


Source: Superoffice

Here’s how Mautic can give a boost to customer retention?

It employs triggered messaging which is a perfect way to suggest testimonials, ask for product reviews, feedback, and send referrals and rewards and incentives. This engages customers and increases the chances of retaining them.

Moreover, it uses post-sale customer nurturing that offers cross-sells and upsells, sends targeted and personalized messages to your customers, and monitors their behavior.

Every marketer wants leads and new customers and puts all of their efforts in nurturing them. But, they forget to nourish their existing customers and lose a big part of their sales. Consequently, it is a well-known fact that customer retention is actually highly valuable to your business.

Marketing automation software platforms like Mautic liberates and enables teams to acquire, nurture, and close the sales qualified leads(SQLs).

Saves Time

A  marketing automation platform saves your time and money to an extent. Lesser overheads, lesser email marketing preparation, lesser time spent reporting on stats, and creating new and high-targeting campaigns.

Mautic reduces the overall time spent performing tasks in the long-term. You can use Mautic features including dynamic content, campaign decision & condition logic to win customers with the right content at the right moment. All this requires less and one time effort. You just need to set up the things once and rest will be done automatically.

Work's Even When You Are Asleep

Mautic is about automation. It will never ever stop your marketing. As you’re busy with other tasks, attending some important meeting, or even if you are sleeping.

Your marketing automation Software is working at your place. Everything from automated emails, contact segmentation, or social media postings are done automatically while you’re playing polo at Russian Green Garden.

Mautic's Crucial Campaign Run

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”
– John Wanamaker

Effective marketing automation makes it conceivable to pick up an understanding of your procedure adequacy and marketing spend. For a small business with limited resources, this can be more challenging.

The most useful marketing automation features are Analytics and Reporting (52%), campaign management (46%), and lead nurturing (46%). It becomes obvious that analytics and reporting resonate with so many.

Marketers run various email marketing campaigns that drive sales as well as prove their campaign’s success.

But, if you don’t have any data to measure, how would you accomplish this. An effective Marketing Automation platform includes reporting and analytics features that provide all the valuable data you need in running the marketing campaign.